About US China Relations

On Febuary 4th, off the coast of South Carolina, the United States Airforce shot down a Chinese weather balloon that had wandered into the United States. The U.S. military wasted no time in denouncing the balloon as a “Chinese spy balloon” and deliberately stoked paranoia about China in the mainstream news and other media.

This all comes in the context of a cold war against China by the United States, in which the U.S. has escalated its sabre-rattling and military aggression, building up naval capabilities like aircraft carriers on the coast of China in an attempt to intimidate China. This aggression is in response to the rising economic challenges that China poses to the dominance of the United States around the world.

In line with this increasing military aggression towards China, the United States government has begun proposing and enacting racist and xenophobic legislation and policies against Chinese people and Chinese-Americans in the United States. Eleven state governments including Texas, Florida, and Arkansas have indicated that they intend to push legislation banning Chinese citizens from owning any property in their states, including land, homes, and businesses. This proposed legislation also discriminates against citizens of Russia, Iran, and North Korea, effectively making thousands of immigrants from these countries into second class citizens. This legislation also increases discrimination faced by Asian-Americans and contributes to a further rise in hate crimes. In Texas, Governor Greg Abbott has already given his support to two of these discriminatory bills, SB 147 and SB 5521, clarifying he intends to sign them into law.

The Dallas Anti-War Committee firmly opposes the ongoing cold war against China waged by the United States, as well as discriminatory legislation targeting Chinese people or any other immigrants in the U.S.

China's Xi tells Biden: Taiwan issue is 'first red line' that must not be  crossed | Reuters

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